More ZUMBA classes
We have 2 more ZUMBA classes scheduled for May.
Friday May 11 and Friday May 25 – Oxford Center School at 6:30 pm.
Come and sweat with us and Rodriguez Rosado and Susan Krusko from The Fitness Fury X-perience.
All posts that should be considered a blog entry
We have 2 more ZUMBA classes scheduled for May.
Friday May 11 and Friday May 25 – Oxford Center School at 6:30 pm.
Come and sweat with us and Rodriguez Rosado and Susan Krusko from The Fitness Fury X-perience.
Buenos Nachos everyone!
Oxford Special Olympics is excited to announce our participation in the brand new Special Olympics initiative, Fit 5.
Special Olympics International continues to innovate in its drive to improve the fitness, health, and overall wellness of its athletes. Special Olympics Connecticut has been on the forefront, most recently with the Unified Fitness Club, in which Oxford actively participates. Fit 5 is the next step – a multi-week program designed to educate our athletes on how fitness, nutrition and hydration impact their athletic performance and overall wellness. The goal is to provide them with the tools and motivation to make healthier lifestyle choices. Fit 5 focuses on three main wellness areas: physical activity, nutrition, and hydration. Goals for athletes include exercising 5 days per week, eating 5 fruits/vegetables per day and drinking 5 bottles of water per day. Athletes will also set their own goals that they see as achievable.
So what does this mean for Oxford? We will be starting a Fit 5 program, meeting Friday evenings at Oxford Center School, starting April 21 running through June 2. Each week we will cover practical information on fitness and nutrition, share our experiences, and participate in some fun activities. Maybe a walk – maybe a Zumba class. Participants will be asked to track how many days each week they exercise, how many servings of fruit and vegetables, and how many bottles of water they have each day. On the first and last session we will measure height, weight, waist size, and resting heart rate.
Interested? Partners and family are encouraged to sign up and participate as well. You can come for the activities and information even if you are not tracking. Please sign up at the link below so we know how many to expect. And don’t miss the first session on April 21st. Contact us if you have any questions.
Sign-up link:
Sean Morley
Volunteer Communications Coordinator – Oxford Special Olympics
Just a reminder that you need to register for winter sports training (if you have already completed the form, you don’t have to do it again)
Practices will be starting in January – please check our calendar of events for locations, dates and times (
Please select the sport you will be training/competing in from the links below:
1) Alpine -> (This form NEEDS to be filled out by November 27th – no late entries, please)
2) Snowshoe/X Country ->
“Let me be brave in the attempt.” What does that really mean? Well, Oxford athlete Matt Beland gave us a demonstration at the 2016 SOCT Summer Games.
Matt was registered for the 15K race on Sunday. 15 Kilometers. That’s 9 ⅓ miles. Matt had been training for the prior 10 weeks under the direction of his coaches, with help from his dad and support from his mom and brothers. He was ready. The race consisted of 24 (!) laps on the course laid out in the parking lot at Southern Connecticut State University. Matt entered the last lap hot on the tail of the athlete in the lead, with the rest of the field more than a lap behind.
Matt was drafting, a standard racing technique where you gain an aerodynamic advantage by riding close behind a competitor. His legs must have felt like rubber as he entered the turn, the Finish Line now within sight. Directly ahead was his cheering section, which included his teammates, coaches, parents and teacher. Matt made his move to pass when suddenly their tires touched and both athletes were thrown from their bicycles.
The crowd gasped in shock as Matt rolled and bounced in front of them. Emergency Room nurse (and Oxford Local Coordinator) Mo Blees ran to his aid. As Mo examined Matt, Coaches Ken and Allen quickly evaluated his bicycle – getting the chain back on the gears, unlocking the brakes, straightening the handlebars and most importantly, straightening out his twisted rim. Matt was scraped and bruised, but fortunately not badly injured.
Matt faced a challenge. He prepared for that challenge. He ran into a major obstacle. He rose above that obstacle. Matt was truly BRAVE IN THE ATTEMPT.
And now he has quite a story to tell.
Thank you to Sean Morley, Allen Aldrich, Ken Maciecki and Mo Blees for contributing to this.
Here are the videos for the 2016 Winter Games – enjoy!